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Specialist Disability Accommodation

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What is Specialist Disability Accommodation?

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) refers to accommodation for people who require specialist housing solutions, including to assist with the delivery of supports that cater to their extreme functional impairment or very high support needs.

The Victorian Government is a registered NDIS SDA provider and owns many SDA properties in all areas of Victoria. The Disability Homes Victoria unit in Homes Victoria manages all matters relating to the Victorian Government owned properties.

What is Disability Homes Victoria’s role?

We provide a range of SDA properties to meet the needs of people with disabilities that require modified accommodation. The Disability Homes Victoria unit has been created to develop a standalone function responsible for owning, managing, and renewing the department’s Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) in accordance with NDIS and departmental requirements. Disability Homes Victoria is responsible for tenancy agreements, relationships with Supported Independent Living (SIL) providers and maintenance and development of SDA properties.

Frequently Asked Questions

To access Specialist Disability Accommodation you will need to have it included in your NDIS plan. You can find more information on the NDIS website.

SDA vacancies, including those owned by the Victorian Government, are advertised on the Housing Hub website and the NDIA SDA Finder website.

Once you have SDA included in your individual NDIS plan, you can search and apply for vacancies via the apply for vacancies via the Housing Hub website. As part of your application, you will need to submit the Specialist Disability Accommodation application form (Word, 176 KB).

People who live in SDA pay rent and SDA funding which is funded by NDIS. The rent is a percentage of Commonwealth Disability Support Pension and Assistance payments.

Residential Tenancy Agreement (RTA)

The Department of Families, Fairness and Housing is a registered National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Specialist Disability Accommodation provider, and owns many SDA across Victoria. These SDA are operated by the Disability Homes Victoria unit.

The residential rights of residents who live in our SDA dwellings are protected by Part 12A of the Residential Tenancy Act 1997. Disability Homes Victoria is responsible for having an SDA residency agreement with each person living in our SDA homes.

If you are moving into one of our SDA homes, Disability Homes Victoria staff will send a Residential Tenancy Agreement pack which will include:

SDA practice manuals

These practice manuals outline how Disability Homes Victoria manages SDA owned by the Victorian Government. Each manual is also available in Easy English.

Business practice manual 

The business practice manual outlines how assistance will be given to residents of Victorian Government-owned Specialist Disability Accommodation.

Offering residency practice manual

The offering residency manual outlines how vacancies in Victorian Government-owned Specialist Disability Accommodation are declared, advertised and filled.

Residency management practice manual

The residency management manual outlines how Disability Homes Victoria will manage residency in Victorian Government-owned Specialist Disability Accommodation.

Maintenance and property management practice manual 

The maintenance manual outlines how Disability Homes Victoria manage and maintain Victorian Government-owned Specialist Disability Accommodation.

Consultation summary report

Throughout 2020 and 2021, Disability Homes Victoria reviewed its processes for managing Victorian Government-owned SDA. These processes, arranged into 4 SDA Practice Manuals, ensures Disability Homes Victoria is meeting its legislative and regulatory obligations as an SDA provider. 

The consultation summary report provides an overview of the feedback received through the consultation, and how that feedback was considered in the finalisation of the SDA Practice Manuals.

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