Construction of the new homes is now underway.
What you need to know

Jointly funded through the Australian Government’s Social Housing Accelerator and the Victorian Government’s Big Housing Build

Located on Homes Victoria land at Coleraine Street, Broadmeadows. View the map

City of Hume

The Banksia Gardens development will include approximately 120 social housing homes

The new development is expected to create more than 700 jobs

New social housing will be more comfortable and less expensive to heat and cool with a 5-star Green Star rating, and 7-star NatHERS average rating

5% of the new homes will be designed to meet accessibility standards and be allocated to Victorians living with disabilities.
Master plan and new social homes announced
October 2023
Consultation with stakeholders and Resident Voice Group
Late 2023
Works begin on sports facilities upgrade
Late 2023
Community consultation
Early 2024
Sports facilities upgrade complete
Early 2024
Final master plan presented back to community
Mid 2024
New homes community consultation report
Mid 2024
Construction to start on the new homes
Mid 2024
New homes finished and ready for residents to move in
Master plan
The master plan will set the vision to guide potential future development of the neighbourhood including:
- Future housing opportunities
- Improved open spaces
- Making it easy and safe to get around the neighbourhood
- Improved connections with surrounding neighbourhoods and activity centres; and
- Spaces and places that support a thriving community in a vibrant and welcoming neighbourhood.
The community will play an essential role in shaping both the master plan and the Big Housing Build design.
Upgraded community sports facilities
Upgrades to the Banksia Gardens sports facilities are complete and ready for residents and visitors to enjoy.
Upgrades include resurfacing the futsal pitch, installation of new futsal goals, a new half basketball court, lighting, CCTV cameras, a shelter and seating for spectators, improved drainage and landscaping.
The investment is an initiative of the Banksia Now Working Group, part of the Broadmeadows Suburban Revitalisation Board, in partnership with the Victorian Government, Hume City Council, and Banksia Gardens Community Services.
The upgraded sports facilities are more accessible, safer and more enjoyable for the Banksia Gardens community to connect and play.
New homes consultation
In February 2024, we invited community to provide feedback on the plans for the new homes in Banksia Gardens.
We heard from Banksia Gardens residents, neighbours and other local stakeholders.
Thank you to everyone who took part in this consultation process.
Find out more about the Banksia Gardens community engagement and view the engagement report on the Engage Victoria website.
Current and upcoming works
If you have any questions about planned works you can email
Over January and February 2025, two cranes will arrive to the Banksia Gardens development site to support structural works of the new homes.
The cranes will be installed within the site, so local roads will not be impacted during crane assembly.
Structural works will also begin on site from February 2025, including:
- Concrete pours for foundations and floors.
- Steel reinforcement and walls.
- Concrete wall panels installed.
As these works progress you will start to see the building structures taking shape.
Cranes will operate in accordance with safety and noise regulations for residential construction activities.
You will see increased activity on site including trucks, some dust and machinery noise.
Works will take place Monday to Friday between 7.00am and 6.00pm and Saturday between 7.00am and 3.00pm (as needed).
All works will be compliant with WorkSafe Victoria and Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) Victoria regulations.
We appreciate your patience while we undertake these important works.
From October 2024, construction of the new modern, comfortable and energy efficient social homes will begin at Banksia Gardens. Works for the rest of the year will include:
- Site establishment and construction fence installation – October 2024
- Piling and excavation – October to December 2024
Works will take place Monday to Friday between 7.00am and 6.00pm and Saturday between 7.00am and 3.00pm (as needed).
The new homes are expected to be completed in 2026.
During this time you will see increased activity on site, including trucks and machinery. There will also be some dust and machinery noise. We will do our best to minimise any inconvenience.
All works will be inside the fenced construction site and closely monitored. Traffic management will be in place, please observe all safety signage.
All works will be compliant with WorkSafe Victoria and Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) Victoria regulations.
We appreciate your patience while we undertake these important works. We will continue to keep the community informed throughout the construction process.
From July to September 2024, early works were completed to prepare the site for construction of the new social homes at Banksia Gardens. Works included:
- Site investigations on Coleraine Street footpath area (up to three days in late July)
- Tree protection and removal, soil clean-up and removal (completed in September)
Works were confined within fenced work areas and closely monitored.
Traffic management enabled safe access to driveways, footpaths and street crossings.
All soil removal works were safely managed by experienced contractors in compliance with with WorkSafe Victoria and Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) Victoria regulations.
We completed site investigation works in the open space between Coleraine Street and Cob Close in the Banksia Gardens neighbourhood to help us plan for the new homes.
Environmental survey works helped us understand and record what is below the ground. We used small-scale excavating and drilling tools to sample the below ground soil.
There was temporary fencing around each work area, and access through to Coleraine Street from Cob Close remained open to pedestrians at all times.
There was minimal noise during the investigations and all works have been compliant with WorkSafe Victoria and EPA Victoria regulations.
Works notices
Translated resources
Works notice – Cranes arriving on site
Works notice – Start of construction
Works notice – Early works
Banksia Gardens resident letter
الموضوع: مساكن جديدة لحدائق بانكسيا Gardens Banksia Ņû برودميدوز Broadmeadows
Guryaha cusub ee Bankasia Gardens, Broadmeadows

Contact us
Email icon:To receive email updates about the project and consultation opportunities, please contact us at